Monday, September 24, 2018

Weekly Homework 24/09/2018

Hi Everyone, 

We hope you had a great weekend! Thank you all for completing the homework so well and for sending all the folders back into school on Friday, much appreciated! 

Here is the homework for the week: 

1. Sound and Tricky Word Worksheet - Our new sounds for the week are 't' and 'i'.
Please colour in the pictures and practice the sounds and letter formations with them throughout the week. 

2. Sounds Booklet - Our sounds this week are 't' (p. 3) and 'i' (p.4). Please complete both pages by Friday. Also, please try to do these two pages only.

Today we learned all about the 't' sound. 
Image result for t letter

Take a look at our song for the 't' sound. 

We will be learning the sound 'i' later on in the week. 

Image result for i letter

Here is the song for the 'i' sound. 

Use your magic eyes to find some 't' and 'i' objects in the pictures below! 

Image result for t jolly phonics picture

Image result for i jolly phonics picture

3. Tricky words - Our tricky word this week is he. Try and think about all the sentences we say every day using the word 'he'! 

Homework will be collected on Friday morning so please ensure the folders are in their bags for collection on Friday. 

Any issues or problems with the homework, please let Jessica ( or Maria ( know and we can adapt and change as necessary.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Weekly homework has started!

Happy Monday Everybody! 

We have sent home homework folders today and the children will have these for the week. The children will learn two sounds each week as well as one tricky word.

Here is the homework for the week: 

1. Sound and Tricky Word Worksheet - This sheet is to help the children learn their weekly sounds using rhymes and pictures. Please colour in the pictures and practice the sounds and letter formations with them throughout the week. 

2. Sounds Booklet - Each week the children will draw or stick in pictures based on the 2 sounds for the week. Our sounds this week are 'S' (p. 1) and 'A' (p.2). Please complete both pages by Friday. 

Today we learned all about the 's' sound. 
Image result for s letter

Take a look at our song for the 's' sound. 

We will be learning the sound 'a' later on in the week. 

Here is the song for the 'a' sound. 

Use your magic eyes to find some 's' and 'a' objects in the pictures below! 

3. Tricky words - These are words that we can't sound out so we have to learn them by sight. Our tricky word this week is the. Try and think about all the sentences we say every day using the word 'the'! 

Homework will be collected on Friday morning so please ensure the folders are in their bags for collection on Friday. 

Any issues or problems with the homework, please let Jessica ( or Maria ( know and we can adapt and change as necessary. 

Busy settling in and getting used to our 'long day'!

Hi everyone,
We have had another great week of settling in and getting into our routine for the 'long day' in school. We've started using some of our school books which is very exciting and we have been doing lots of fine motor practice using our froggy fingers and baby shark fingers!
Take a look at what we have been up to.☺