Monday, February 25, 2019

Weekly homework 25/02/2019

Hi all!

This week's homework is different to our usual layout. The children will be doing the following:

1. CVC word pictures. The children will need to sound out each CVC word and draw an accompanying picture.

2. _ug word family. The children will match the correct initial sound to the picture and write it in the box. They will then write the full word beside it and colour the picture.

3. Oral language sheet. Oral language sheet as normal. This fortnight's theme is the Garden Centre.

Homework will be collected on Friday morning so please ensure the folders are in their bags for collection on Friday. 

Any issues or problems with the homework, please let Jessica ( or Maria ( know and we can adapt and change as necessary.

Monday, February 18, 2019

No homework!

Hi everyone!

As we have a shortened week this week, we have decided to give the children no homework. If they have their folders in their bags, we would encourage doing a little revision on the tricky words and initial sounds.

Thanks and enjoy the days off!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!

Junior Infants wish you a 'love filled day' !

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Literacy Week Pictures

Here's some pictures from literacy week recently! The children got a chance to read with older classes and take part in a word hunt!