Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Homework 22nd - 26th October

Hello everyone, 

Here's the homework for the last week before mid-term! 

We are only doing one sound this week and will go back to 2 after mid term. 

1. Sound and Tricky Word Worksheet - Our new sound for the week is 'e'.
Please colour in the pictures and practice the sounds and letter formations with them throughout the week. 

2. Sounds Like Phonics - Page 30 and 31. Please complete both pages by Friday. Also, please try to do these two pages only.

Today we learned all about the 'e' sound. 

Image result for e lowercase letter

Take a look at our song and picture for the 'e' sound. Try to find items in the picture and around the house that start with 'e'. 

Finally - on friday we will have a Halloween dress up day! Children can wear their costumes in and show them off during the day. 
I am having a Halloween party on Friday so there will be some treats and dancing!
The cake sale is also on Friday if children want to bake or bring money to buy cakes.

Thanks and Happy Halloween!!

Friday, October 18, 2019

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Homework 14th - 18th October

Hello all! 

We hope the homework went well last week. We're only starting to learn how to blend with our new sounds so please don't be worrying about your child finding it a bit tricky, this is completely fine and all children will learn at their own pace☺

We're going back to individual sounds this week so take a look at what we will be getting up to: 

1. Sound and Tricky Word Worksheet - Our new sounds for the week are 'c' and 'k'.
Please colour in the pictures and practice the sounds and letter formations with them throughout the week. 

2. Sounds like Phonics - Our sounds this week are 'c' (p. 20, 21) and 'k' (p.22,23). Please complete both pages by Friday. Also, please try to do these two pages only.

As 'c' and 'k' both have the same sound, we call 'c' the 'curly c' sound 
and 'k' the 'kicking k' sound. 

Today we learned all about the 'c'/'curly c' sound. 
Image result for c letter image

We will be learning the sound 'k' later on in the week. 

Related image

Take a look at our song for the 'c' and 'k' sound. This song and story has both 'c' and 'k' sounds and actions together but it would be good to find items around the house that have the individual sounds for each letter. 

Use your magic eyes to find some 'c' and k' objects in the pictures below! 

Image result for c words           Image result for k words

Image result for ck jolly phonics

3. Tricky words - Our tricky word this week is me. Try and think about all the sentences we say every day using the word 'me'! 

Homework Workshop Tonight

Tonight at 7.30, the school are providing a workshop for both junior and senior infant parents. In this workshop you will be given clear instructions of how to help your child with homework, what is expected from the class teacher and tips for making homework a stress free exercise. I'd highly recommend that parents attend if  possible.


Monday, October 7, 2019

September Photo's - Sarah's Class

Some photo's from our first Aistear Theme - At Home!

The children took on different roles as mammies, daddies, children and babies and worked together to build and create their own homes.

The children are all settling in really well and making lots of new friendships!