Our homework this week is slightly different to our usual weekly homework.
1. Tricky Word
Our tricky word this week is 'down'.Try to make as many sentences with the word 'down' in it!
2. Oral Language Sheet
This week in Aistear we will be learning about the seaside, so please make sure to go through this oral language worksheet with your child and discuss any new vocabulary.
3. Wh Worksheet
Our new sound this week is the 'wh' sound. Please read and trace the words and colour in the accompanying pictures.
4. Readers
The children will be bringing home different readers in the upcoming weeks, and we will be changing the books regularly. You will find a list in their folder of the books, (some of the book titles may not be on the sheet, in which case just write the title underneath!)
Once you feel your child has read and understood the book (can discuss story, answer questions, recall, etc.) please sign your name beside the title so we know they're ready to be given a new book.
As always, any issues or problems with the homework, please let Jessica (belmayneetjessica@gmail.com) or Maria (belmayneetmarial@gmail.com) know and we can adapt and change as necessary.