Thursday, November 8, 2018

Belmayne Educate Together Parent Support Group

Belmayne Educate Together Parent Support Group
Date of next meeting: Tuesday November 13th
Venue:Belmayne ETNS

We are a group of ordinary parents meeting up to support each other with our children and their individual needs. Every three weeks we meet in the school for an informal and casual chat over tea or coffee………….and hopefully some fancy biscuits!

More importantly if your child has a diagnosis, is waiting/ in the process of assessment or has suspected difficulties you can speak freely, as what is said in Support Group STAYS in Support Group. All our children have their own stories, experiences and needs and as a group of parents we hope to learn from each other and pool our resources.

We believe in   
  • Respect
  • Confidentiality
  • Non-judgemental attitude to other parenting styles and techniques.
As a parent, you may find the Support Group a place where you can openly express your frustrations, worries and fears for your child/children but also a place where you can celebrate all your child’s achievements big and small. It can be a comfort to know you are not alone.

We operate a buddy system, if you are nervous about walking into that first meeting alone