Monday, November 19, 2018

Weekly Homework 19/11/2018

Hello everyone, 

Here's the homework for the week!

1. Sound and Tricky Word Worksheet - Our new sounds for the week are 'd' and 'g'.
Please colour in the pictures and practice the sounds and letter formations with them throughout the week. 

2. Sounds Booklet - Our sounds this week are 'd' (p. 14) and 'g' (p.19). Please complete both pages by Friday. Also, please try to do these two pages only.

Today we learned all about the 'd' sound. 

Image result for lower case d

Take a look at our song and picture for the 'd' sound. Try to find items in the picture and around the house that start with 'd'. 

Image result for jolly phonics d

We will be learning the sound 'g' later on in the week. 

Image result for lower case g

Here's the song for the 'g' sound.

Use your magic eyes to find some 'g' objects in the pictures below! 
Image result for jolly phonics g

3. Tricky words - Our tricky word this week is to. Try and think about all the sentences we say every day using the word 'to'! 

4.  Oral Language Page: The Train Station - The children will be learning all about The Train Station over the next two weeks. Take a look at the page about 'The Train Station' and have a chat about the words and the picture.

Related image

Homework will be collected on Friday morning so please ensure the folders are in their bags for collection on Friday. 

Any issues or problems with the homework, please let Jessica ( or Maria ( know and we can adapt and change as necessary.