Monday, February 11, 2019

Weekly Homework 11/02/2019

Hi all, 

Happy Monday! 

The homework is slightly different this week but nothing major.

Here it is: 

1. Sound and Tricky Word Worksheet - Our new and final sound for the week as well as the year is 'q' or 'qu'. This can be a challenging sound to teach as the letter 'q' is usually followed by the letter 'u' so we tend to teach them together and tell the children that 'q' and 'u' stick like glue! 
Take a look at this song to help learn the 'q'/'qu' sound! 

Please colour in the pictures and practice the sound and letter formation with them throughout the week. 

2. Read and Draw - The children will read the sentence on the page and then draw a picture to match what they have read. 

3. Sounds Booklet - Our sound this week is 'qu' (p. 32). Please complete this page by Friday. Also, please try to do this page only (pages 32).

Today we learned all about the 'q'/'qu' sound. 

Image result for q letter image lowercase

Take a look at our song and picture for the 'q'/'qu' sound. Try to find items in the picture and around the house that start with 'q'/'qu'. 
Use your magic eyes to find some 'qu' objects in the pictures below!

4. Tricky words and Tricky Word Game - Our tricky word this week is some. Try and think about all the sentences we say every day using the word 'some'! There is also a new tricky word 'roll and read' game which will be very beneficial when practicing these words. 

Homework will be collected on Friday morning so please ensure the folders are in their bags for collection on Friday. 

Any issues or problems with the homework, please let Jessica ( or Maria ( know and we can adapt and change as ne