Monday, May 27, 2019

Weekly Homework 27/05/2019

Hello everyone, hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Here is our homework for the week:

1. Tricky words

Our tricky words this week are 'one' and 'by'.

2. Oral Language Sheet

We are learning about the Health Clinic in Aistear for the next fortnight so we will get to learn about the dentist and the gym and we might even get to try some healthy foods! Take a look at the Oral Language sheet and the vocabulary associated with this topic and discuss the contents of the sheet with your child.

3. Readers

Readers will continue as normal. Just a reminder to return the books with the signed reading record so we can see which books your child has completed. If a book is not sent back in with a signed reading record we cannot give your child a new reader.

4. Dictation copy

Please continue with the dictation copy. There is a new daily word list (3 words per day) which your child will write in their copy. When completing dictation, you will read one word three times to your child and they should try to write it themselves by recalling their sounds. Your child only has to write the daily words once and the layout can be the same as the way it is written on the homework note which is glued into the copy. 

Tips for doing dictation:

  1. Read the word to your child. (eg. Pig) 
  2. Ask them to sound it out/break it down (eg. Pig; how do we break that down? P-I-G)
  3. Ask them what the first sound is. What does it look like? Can you write that letter?
  4. Ask them what the second and third sound is, repeating the questions from the previous step.
  5. Ask them to read the word they have just written.
  6. Repeat steps!

5. Planet Maths Workbook

Please complete pages 15, 16 and 17 of the workbook.

As always, if anyone has any questions please feel free to get in touch.

Thank you!

Jessica and Maria

At the Belmayne Vets

We were learning about the Vet Surgery for the last two weeks and it was a topic that all the children seemed to really enjoy. It was wonderful to see them all being so caring towards the 'sick' animals, fixing their broken legs, helping them if they were in pain and making sure they were all safe once they reached the Vet's. They were also creating their favourite animals using playdough and designing their own butterflies as we have caterpillars in our classroom.

Our visit to Portmarnock Beach and Biodiversity Dress Up Day!

Last Thursday, the Junior and Senior Infants went to Portmarnock Beach with Dave Tilly who taught us so much about different sea creatures and sea life at the beach. He also told us how to look after the beach and the creatures that live there and how to help protect these from litter and any other harmful things that humans might leave around. 
He brought in some sea creatures for us to examine and hold and Jessica's own 'creature' Alfie even came over for a visit while he was on his daily beach walk! 
We made sand castles, explored rock pools, had a picnic and learned all about the beach. It really was a fantastic day! 

We also had our Biodoversity Dress Up day where we dressed up as our favourite minibeasts. There was a huge effort made with this and it was so lovely to see everyone chatting about their favourite minibeast and looking so great! Well done all☺