Monday, May 27, 2019

Our visit to Portmarnock Beach and Biodiversity Dress Up Day!

Last Thursday, the Junior and Senior Infants went to Portmarnock Beach with Dave Tilly who taught us so much about different sea creatures and sea life at the beach. He also told us how to look after the beach and the creatures that live there and how to help protect these from litter and any other harmful things that humans might leave around. 
He brought in some sea creatures for us to examine and hold and Jessica's own 'creature' Alfie even came over for a visit while he was on his daily beach walk! 
We made sand castles, explored rock pools, had a picnic and learned all about the beach. It really was a fantastic day! 

We also had our Biodoversity Dress Up day where we dressed up as our favourite minibeasts. There was a huge effort made with this and it was so lovely to see everyone chatting about their favourite minibeast and looking so great! Well done all☺