Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Weekly Homework 7/05/2019

Hi all,

We hope you enjoyed the long weekend!

Here is our homework for the week:

1. Tricky Word

Our tricky word this week is 'make'.Try to make as many sentences with the word 'make' in it!

2. Oral Language Sheet

Use this week to go through the seaside oral language sheet again, asking questions based on this topic and using as much vocabulary as possible.

3. Digraph Revision Worksheet

We are revising the four digraph sounds this week. These are 'wh', 'th', 'sh' and 'ch'. Digraphs are letter blends that help children with their blending and more fluent reading. Colour the correct sound that matches the picture and colour in the pictures.

4. Readers

The children have new readers in their folders and seem to have done well with the ones from last week. As we are hoping for them to get through as much of the reading list as possible, your child may be jumping levels. This is completely fine and any reading practice is good practice but it is important to sign the reading record once you feel your child is confident with his/her reader and we can give them a new one. If this is after one night, then we can change it no problem and if you feel your child needs to keep the book for the week then again, this is not an issue.

If your child does not have their reader or reading record in by the Friday of each week, we will not change the book as we want to ensure every child brings every book back into school.

As always, any issues or problems with the homework, please let Jessica (belmayneetjessica@gmail.com) or Maria (belmayneetmarial@gmail.com) know and we can adapt and change as necessary.