Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Winter Play Script, Parts and Costumes - Sarah's Class

A Snowman at Sunset

Hi all. Our Winter Play this year is "A Snowman at Sunset". Every child has a line and a part. If you could spend some time with your child to help them to learn their line. They need to know their lines by the end of the week. 
Details of the parts and costumes are below. If anyone has any questions or queries about the show please let me know!

Parts and Costumes:

Snowmen - Black/ dark bottoms and a white top. Accessories for mammy, daddy, granny, grandad. We have the main parts of the snowmen costumes.

Snow Children 

Snow Mammy - July

Snow Daddy - Darragh

Snow Granny - Isabela

Snow Grandad - Charlie

Children - Winter/ Christmassy Clothes - hats, scarves, gloves, jumpers/ coats.
  1. Luzia
  2. Isaac
  3. Leo
  4. Catherine
  5. Zoe
  6. Aria
  7. Norah
  8. Wilson
  9. James
  10. Milo
  11. Quinn
  12. Melanie
  13. Daniel
  14. Emre
  15. Lena
  16. Mason

Sun - Celestine
Yellow/ orange clothes. We have the rest of the costume.

 A Snowman at Sunset

Narrator 1 (Adam):
Good morning everybody and welcome to our Junior Infants play, ‘A Snowman at Sunset.’

Narrator 2 (Mason):
We hope you enjoy it.

Narrator 2 (Estelle):
We will be available to sign autographs at the end of the show.

Narrator 3 (Norah):  
Every year, the children waited. What do you think they were waiting for? Something very, very white and very, very cold. Something which is good for fun and games…
Yes, that’s it! The snow!

Song 1 - Look at the Snowflakes

Narrator 4 (Liam):
Each year the snow fell until everywhere was covered in a beautiful white carpet.

Narrator 5 (July):
Then the children could go sledging, throw snowballs and make enormous, deep white footprints. But most of all they loved making snowmen.

All Four Children (Isaac, Catherine, Luzia, Leo):
Let’s go and make a snowman now!

Narrator 6 (James):
The children were lucky, there was always lots of snow. Enough to make a whole family of snowmen.

Narrator 7 (Aria):
A snow mammy and a snow daddy. A snow granny and a snow grandad. And lots of snow children!

Narrator 8 (Daniel):
But then, after a few days, the sun would start to shine and the snow family would melt away slowly.

Narrator 9 (Lena):
Then, one year, the children waited and waited for the snow.

Narrator 10 (Emre):
They waited for a long time. They thought that it would never, ever come.

Narrator 11 (Milo):
It began to snow at last, but this year there was only enough to make ONE snowman.

Narrator 12 (Quinn):
All the children wanted to use the snow! They ALL wanted to make a snowman!

Child 1 (Luzia):
I want to make a snowman!

Child 2 (Isaac):
No, I want to make a snowman!

Child 3 (Leo):
Actually, I want to make a snowman!

Narrator 13 (Szymon):
The children got very angry with each other.

1.    This is a very cross song!
This is an angry song!
I saw someone stamp their feet,
*(Stamp, stamp, stamp!) - Luzia and Norah
Oh dear, what an angry song!

2.   This is a very cross song!
This is an angry song!
I saw someone pull a face,
*(‘Ner, ner, ner!’) - Isaac
Oh dear, what an angry song!

3.   This is a very cross song!
This is an angry song!
I saw someone shouting out,
*(‘It’s not fair!’) - Catherine
Oh dear, what an angry song!

4.   This is a very cross song!
This is an angry song!
I saw someone cry and cry,
*(‘Boo, hoo, hoo!’) - Leo and Daniel
Oh dear, what an angry song! 

Narrator 14 (Melanie):
From behind the clouds, a pale yellow sun began to shine. The sun got warmer and warmer and the snow began to sparkle.

Narrator 14 (Melanie):
The sun looked down at the children.

Sun (Celestine):
Don’t be angry with each other, try to be friends. You must make your snowman soon, or I will have to melt the snow.

Child 4 (Catherine):
But which of us should make it?

Sun (Celestine):
All of you can make it. You can work together to give a snowman the gift of life.

Narrator 15 (Maja):
The children thought about this for a little while, then they decided what to do.

Narrator 16 (Charlie):
The children made the best snowman ever. They thought that making him together was great fun.

Narrator 17 (Isabela):
The sun began to sink in the sky. He hadn’t melted their snow after all.

Main Snowman (Darragh): Thank you boys and girls! You know, there’s not much snow left around these parts. I’m so glad you could all work together, sharing your snow and giving me the life of life!

Narrator 18 (Zoe):
Lots of tired children looked at their snowman, standing tall and proud against the sunset.

Narrator 19 (Wilson): That’s the end of our Winter Show, we hope you enjoyed it! Now, sing along with us!

Song 8 – Santa Clause is Coming to Town


Monday, November 18, 2019

Homework 18th-22nd November

Hello everyone, 

1.This is our revision week of our sounds. This is an opportunity for you to revisit the sounds we have completed so far. Take this time to sing the songs, play games and do the actions.


Jolly Phonic Actions

2.Homework pages to be completed in Sounds Like Phonics book are pgs:14(Monday),15 (Tuesday), 16(Wedneday) and 17 (Thursday).

3.. Sound and Tricky Word Worksheet - Revise tricky words

4.  Oral Language Page will be handed out Tuesday: The Train Station - The children will be learning all about The Train Station over the next two weeks. Take a look at the page about 'The Train Station' and have a chat about the words and the picture.

Related image

Homework will be collected on Friday morning so please ensure the folders are in their bags for collection on Friday. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

'd' homework sheet - Sarah's Class

Hi all,

I popped the 'd' sheet into your child's bag at the end of the day today. It may be loose in the bag as some children struggled to put it into folders. If you have a look in their bag you should find it.


Homework 11th November

Hello everyone, 

Here's the homework for this week!

1. Sound and Tricky Word Worksheet - Our new sounds for the week are 'm' and 'd'.
Please colour in the pictures and practice the sounds and letter formations with them throughout the week. 

2. Sounds Booklet - Our sounds this week are 'm' and 'd'. Please complete both pages by Friday. Also, please try to do these two pages only.

Related image

Here's the song for the 'm' sound.

Use your magic eyes to find some 'm' objects in the pictures below! 
Image result for m jolly phonics

Today we learned all about the 'd' sound. 

Image result for lower case d

Take a look at our song and picture for the 'd' sound. Try to find items in the picture and around the house that start with 'd'. 

Image result for jolly phonics d

3. Tricky words - Our tricky word this week is be. Try and think about all the sentences we say every day using the word 'be'! 

4. Continue to look at the oral language sheet for the Post Office.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Sarah's Class October Photos

This month we explored the themes School and Halloween! We also got dressed up and cheered on Ireland in the rugby world cup. Here are some pictures of the activities we got up to in October.