Monday, November 18, 2019

Homework 18th-22nd November

Hello everyone, 

1.This is our revision week of our sounds. This is an opportunity for you to revisit the sounds we have completed so far. Take this time to sing the songs, play games and do the actions.


Jolly Phonic Actions

2.Homework pages to be completed in Sounds Like Phonics book are pgs:14(Monday),15 (Tuesday), 16(Wedneday) and 17 (Thursday).

3.. Sound and Tricky Word Worksheet - Revise tricky words

4.  Oral Language Page will be handed out Tuesday: The Train Station - The children will be learning all about The Train Station over the next two weeks. Take a look at the page about 'The Train Station' and have a chat about the words and the picture.

Related image

Homework will be collected on Friday morning so please ensure the folders are in their bags for collection on Friday.