Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Sarah's Class Zoom Meeting

Hey guys!

I'm hosting a Zoom meeting for the class on Friday. It'll be lots of fun, you'll get to see all your friends and talk about the different things you've been doing while we've been off school! I'm super excited to hear all your news!

The Zoom Meeting will be on Friday at 12.

Here's the invitation to join the meeting!

Sarah Murphy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Friday Catch Up!
Time: Apr 3, 2020 12:00 PM Dublin

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 339 142 442

You'll need to download Zoom on any device and then click the above link and enter the ID to join us. I can't wait to catch up with everyone :) 


Sunday, March 29, 2020

School Closure Work Week 3 - 30th March - 3rd of April

Hi everybody,

Thank you for your feedback and we appreciate that this can be a stressful time for those who are working at home and trying to complete distant learning with maybe more than one child at a time! It is however important that the children do engage in some core daily lessons. Routine and daily fun chores/outdoor play are all part of the learning process and these are so valuable for infant children and link in with the curriculum.

After Easter, as Sinead and GearĂłid have emailed to explain, we will be moving our lessons to the SeeSaw app. You will also receive your child's access code next week. Some of the videos will invite you to try the various tools available on SeeSaw. You will need your child's code to do this. It is also important to remind you to keep these access codes safe and not to share with anyone else. We also recommend downloading the SeeSaw app if your child will be using a tablet to complete activities. 

SeeSaw: Starting on the 20th of April there will be Literacy, Math, Gaeilge, SESE (History, Geography, Science) and PE lessons and activities. The activities and lessons we provide will be in line with our curriculum planning and will move onto new learning topics that the children may not have covered yet over the Academic year.

On Friday we will be hosting a Zoom call with our class for a few minutes just to say a quick "Hello"! We are sure they are missing their friends and teacher! :)

Gaeilge/ Irish
We understand that some parents are struggling with the Gaeilge activities at home. Don't worry if you can't help you child with this. Even if your child is just playing with the apps themselves this is fine. This week we have uploaded videos from their Irish programme in school.


1. Revise the diagraph sounds with the children: th, wh, sh and ch. Practice saying and identifying the sounds. 
Watch the following video:

2. Play 'Phonics Pop'. Click the following link to play the game. As we are revising diagraph sounds just choose th, wh, sh and ch from the menu list. After you have played with the diagraphs you could add in more sounds to make it harder!


This week we would like you to concentrate on number formation. You can do this on a whiteboard, piece of paper, sand, lego or tablet. 
We have some number formation worksheets attached for the following days but if you cannot print you could practice on paper/ whiteboard etc. 

 Many children are still not forming numbers correctly (some can be upside down or 


This week the children will be revising a theme they did at the very beginning of the year. For Gaeilge this week just play the videos and ask the children what they think tis happening, you may be surprised by their vocabulary!


Our SESE theme for this week is Fairy Tales. This week we will be focusing on the story The Gingerbread Man. Everyday we will post a different version of the story for your child to listen to. Encourage them to think about the differences in the stories. Decide which version they prefer.

Our challenge for this week is that we want every child to repsond to the story creatively. This could be through drawing, colouring, designing, writing or even baking!!
Once you have created something send a picture of your creation to your teachers email so we can see their wonderful work! We will then post these onto the blog :)

The Gingerbread Man:



1. Revise tricky words and play tricky word games in the homework folder. Snakes and ladder etc.

2. Look Cover Write: Show you child the word let them say the word,   next let them read and write the word and finally cover the word and have them write it by themselves.

3. Tricky Word Song:

Maths: Practice writing/forming number 1 and 2 and watch videos

Gaeilge: Watch video Is Mise

The Gingerbread Man:



We will be introducing readers to the children this week. Today's reader is based on Easter and revises some of the tricky words we have covered so far. I will read the story with the children today and tomorrow they will try it themselves. 

Listen to the story a few times and answer the questions that I say at the end of the story, you can pause and replay the video as many times as your child needs:


Use this link to access the reading of the story.

The three questions asked at the end of the recording are:

1. What is different about the eggs?

2. What does the boy use to make the eggs?

3. What way would you design your own egg?

Here are some extension questions you could ask your child to challenge them.

Maths: Practice writing/forming number 3 and 4

Gaeilge: Watch video


The Gingerbread Man




My Easter Eggs

1. Practice reading the story with your child. Encourage them to read it independently as much as possible. 
Listen to the recording from yesterday if your child is struggling. 

2. Draw or Design your own egg and write a sentence underneath to describe the egg.

This egg is ________ . 

Maths: Practice writing/forming number 5

Gaeilge: Watch video 


Literacy/ SESE

Join our Zoom call and tell us all about how you have been getting on over the past few weeks!

Bring along the artwork your created for "The Gingerbread Man" and you can tell us all about it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1APPnBekHtSTx3W58wWI6WgHFWUwtLf_I/view?usp=sharing

We are so excited to hear from everyone!!

Maths:Watch video 

Ask your child to show you their new and improved numbers!

Gaeilge: Watch video

Sunday, March 22, 2020

School Closure Work Week 2 - Monday 23rd March

Hi all,

Hope everyone is doing okay at home and not going too stir crazy yet! We are missing your little guys so much, hopefully we will get to see each other again soon 💛

The most important thing at the moment is that everyone is safe and healthy.

After reading through feedback from the surveys and reviewing the work, we have changed the layout slightly. We will outline the work that we want each child to achieve every day. Every day there will be a maths, literacy and Gaeilge activity along with one other subject. At the end of the blog we will put other ideas and activities you can do with your child if you have the time.

If any parent is having difficulty achieving the work at home please let Sarah or Christine know so that we can try to provide support in whatever way possible.

Gaeilge/ Irish
We understand that some parents are struggling with the Gaeilge activities at home. Don't worry if you can't help you child with this. Even if your child is just playing with the apps themselves this is fine. They are still hearing the language and having some exposure to it which is enough for the time being.


Literacy - 'wh' Sound:

1. Watch Geraldine Giraffe find things around her house that have the 'wh' sound.

2. Find things around your own house with the 'wh' sound. Some examples could be a whisk, a white plate, a wheel.

3. Complete the following page from the work booklet. Colour the pictures with the 'wh' sound.



1. Play the following counting game: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/underwater-counting.
The children will count the sea creatures and choose the correct number.
Start by choosing 'counting up to 5'. If your child is capable you can then choose 'counting up to 10'

2. Complete the following page from the work booklet. Count the number of objects and write the number in the box.


Enter the app 'CĂșla4'. Choose 'Spraoi'. From there choose the section 'An Cathair' This means the City.

Click each of the pictures to hear the Irish word. Repeat the word after the app speaks it. Translate the word into English. Your child should be able to complete this with little support.

Watch the video below to see how to use the app.

SESE - StoryTime

1. Listen to the story "Who's awake in Springtime". Discuss the animals they see in the Spring.

2. Colour one of the Spring pages from the work booklet.


Literacy - 'wh' sound.

1. Listen to the 'wh' words in this video.

2. Complete the following 2 worksheets from the work booklet.


1. Watch the counting video below. Practice Counting forwards and backwards to 5 and then to 10.

2. Complete the following page in the work booklet.


Complete the same activities as Monday on CĂșla4. Revise the vocabulary and practice repeating the words. 

Learn Together - Mindfulness and Yoga

Complete one of the mindfulness exercises found in the following folder:

Complete this fun Yoga exercise about Springtime and Bees!



1. Revise the Jolly Phonics Sounds using the song:

2. Play the following Roll and Read Games to revise the sounds:


2. Complete the following page in the work booklet:


Listen to one of the popular stories found here:

They have been translated into Irish and are read aloud to the children. Start by choosing one of the stories that your child recognises. We have read "Owl Babies" or "UlchabhĂĄn Óga" so the children should all recognise this story. 

Learn Together/ Story time:

Listen to this lovely story from storylineonline called "The Empty Pot".

This website has lots of other lovely stories covering many of our Learn Together themes if you would like to listen to a few more with your child. 



1. Revise tricky words and play tricky word games in the homework folder. Snakes and ladder etc.

2. Look Cover Write: Show you child the word let them say the word,   next let them read and write the word and finally cover the word and have them write it by themselves.

3. Tricky Word Song:


1. Caterpillar Ordering:

2. Number Song:

 3Complete the following page in the work booklet:


Listen to one of the popular stories found here:

They have been translated into Irish and are read aloud to the children. Start by choosing one of the stories that your child recognises. We have read "Owl Babies" or "UlchabhĂĄn Óga" so the children should all recognise this story. 

1. Jolly Phonics App:Practice and revise any sounds you believe your child has not got a grasp of yet. Most children will know all the single sounds but may find the newer constant diagraphs eg. ch, sh, th and wh more challenging.

2. Tricky Words: Repeat tricky words games. The idea is that eventually your child will be able to identify a tricky word straight away. They will no longer be attempting to blend these words.

3. Oral Language: Draw a picture and have the child say a simple sentence of what they can see in spring. They can use some their spring words and copy them down or you can write and child writes the words they can read eg. chick


Practice counting forwards and backwards on a number line to ten. Using a small item/ toy have you child jump up and down the number line counting how many jumps to the number you might say or roll on a dice.

Colour by numbers spring page:

Watch Spring Video: 


Some other activities and ideas to keep busy over the following week!

P.E and Music

GoNoodle - if you want to sign up for GoNoodle visit the website and you can create a free account. There are lots of different active videos for the children on GoNoodle.

Learn Together

In the folder below there are some resources to use for Learn Together. There are powerpoints and activities based on Easter and there are some lovely mindfulness exercises for the children to listen to.

Fine Motor Skills

Developing fine motor skills is a very important part of your child's learning in Junior Infants. A lot of fine motor skills activities are games and exercises that your child already does every day. Here are some activities to develop fine motor skills that can easily be done at home:
  • cutting
  • colouring
  • writing - free writing or drawing
  • tracing
  • play dough
  • pegs
  • threading
  • lego or construction
  • artwork
  • baking - rolling, squeezing, mixing the dough!
Recommended apps:
  • Epic Books - this has a large library of kids books
  • Jolly Phonics Apps
  • Phonics Match
  • Teach your Monster to Read
  • Eggy Words
  • Pocket Phonics
  • MooseMath
  • Splash Maths
  • Duck Duck Moose
  • CĂșla4

Thursday, March 12, 2020

School Closure Work - Week 1 - Monday 16th March

Don't start the assigned work until Monday the 16th March!

Hi all,

Hope everyone is feeling okay at home and keeping busy! Here's the work we have assigned for this week. There will be a mix of worksheets, pages in workbooks, video links, games, websites and apps.  Encourage your child to read at home, give them time to play and be creative and let them help out with jobs around the house!
Everything will be explained below and if you have any questions or queries let Sarah or Christine know. 

There is enough work in the booklets to last for 2 weeks. This week only complete 'th' (NOT wh) worksheets, number 5 worksheets, 1 Gaeilge sheet and a selection of Spring pages. Also complete any workbook pages or videos/ games listed below. 

Recommended apps to support learning at home: Jolly Phonics, Teach your Monster to Read, Phonics Match, Epic! Books, Pocket Phonics, Eggy Words

Day 1 and 2:
New sound: 'th'. 
Image result for th sound jolly phonics Image result for th sound jolly phonics

Practice saying this sound with your child. Look for things around the house that have the 'th' sound in them. 
Here are some videos you could watch with your child on the new sound.

There are three worksheets in the children's work booklets to be completed for the 'th' sound.

Day 3:
Phonics Review
Revise all phonics sounds with your child.

Complete pages 74 and 75 in Sounds like Phonics.
Play the 'Roll and Read' game on pages 82 and 83 in 'Sounds like Phonics'.

Day 4:
Tricky Word Revision
Revise all tricky words with your child. Use the flashcards in their homework folder. Put the words into sentences and practice writing them.
Sing along to our tricky word song.

Day 5:
Fine Motor/ Handwriting. Complete the handwriting sheet in the work booklet. 

Recommended apps to support learning at home: MooseMaths, Splash Maths

Number 5.
Complete the activities on the following website: http://resources.hwb.wales.gov.uk/VTC/story_of_5/eng/Introduction/default.htm

Listen to the story of 5 and then play the games based on number 5. We recommend that you listen to the story of 5 on Monday and then play a different game everyday. This website can be accessed on a computer/ laptop.

If you look at the image below the story of 5 is described as Starter Activity and the games are listed as Main Session Part 1, 2 and 3.

There are 4 worksheets based on number 5 in the work booklets, complete these only. 

Gaeilge/ Irish:

CĂșla4 app. Download the app on a phone/iPad. Complete the vocab section called 'Bia' - Food. Listen to the vocabulary and practice saying the words. 

On this app you can also view Irish stories and videos. Look at these with your child. Cula4 also has a YouTube channel with lots of Irish stories and videos. 

LĂĄ Fheile PĂĄdraig/ St. Patrick's Day colouring page in work booklet.

Here's the app for parents to download:

Seidean SĂ­: On this website there are lots of interactive Gaeilge games the children could play. When you first click the link it may ask you to 'roghnaigh do canĂșint' this means choose a dialect, choose Connacht. 

SESE and Oral Language
Theme - Spring
Look at oral language sheet and discuss vocabulary. Complete a selection of Spring worksheets from the work booklet. This will continue for 2 weeks so there is no rush on completing the worksheets.
Here are some videos and songs to look at with your child.

P.E and Music
Here are some fun dances, songs, and exercises to keep you moving!

GoNoodle - if you want to sign up for GoNoodle visit the website and you can create a free account. There are lots of different active videos for the children on GoNoodle.

Learn Together
In the folder below there are some resources to use for Learn Together. There are powerpoints and activities based on Easter and there are some lovely mindfulness exercises for the children to listen to.

Sarah and Christine.