Thursday, March 12, 2020

School Closure Work - Week 1 - Monday 16th March

Don't start the assigned work until Monday the 16th March!

Hi all,

Hope everyone is feeling okay at home and keeping busy! Here's the work we have assigned for this week. There will be a mix of worksheets, pages in workbooks, video links, games, websites and apps.  Encourage your child to read at home, give them time to play and be creative and let them help out with jobs around the house!
Everything will be explained below and if you have any questions or queries let Sarah or Christine know. 

There is enough work in the booklets to last for 2 weeks. This week only complete 'th' (NOT wh) worksheets, number 5 worksheets, 1 Gaeilge sheet and a selection of Spring pages. Also complete any workbook pages or videos/ games listed below. 

Recommended apps to support learning at home: Jolly Phonics, Teach your Monster to Read, Phonics Match, Epic! Books, Pocket Phonics, Eggy Words

Day 1 and 2:
New sound: 'th'. 
Image result for th sound jolly phonics Image result for th sound jolly phonics

Practice saying this sound with your child. Look for things around the house that have the 'th' sound in them. 
Here are some videos you could watch with your child on the new sound.

There are three worksheets in the children's work booklets to be completed for the 'th' sound.

Day 3:
Phonics Review
Revise all phonics sounds with your child.

Complete pages 74 and 75 in Sounds like Phonics.
Play the 'Roll and Read' game on pages 82 and 83 in 'Sounds like Phonics'.

Day 4:
Tricky Word Revision
Revise all tricky words with your child. Use the flashcards in their homework folder. Put the words into sentences and practice writing them.
Sing along to our tricky word song.

Day 5:
Fine Motor/ Handwriting. Complete the handwriting sheet in the work booklet. 

Recommended apps to support learning at home: MooseMaths, Splash Maths

Number 5.
Complete the activities on the following website:

Listen to the story of 5 and then play the games based on number 5. We recommend that you listen to the story of 5 on Monday and then play a different game everyday. This website can be accessed on a computer/ laptop.

If you look at the image below the story of 5 is described as Starter Activity and the games are listed as Main Session Part 1, 2 and 3.

There are 4 worksheets based on number 5 in the work booklets, complete these only. 

Gaeilge/ Irish:

Cúla4 app. Download the app on a phone/iPad. Complete the vocab section called 'Bia' - Food. Listen to the vocabulary and practice saying the words. 

On this app you can also view Irish stories and videos. Look at these with your child. Cula4 also has a YouTube channel with lots of Irish stories and videos. 

Lá Fheile Pádraig/ St. Patrick's Day colouring page in work booklet.

Here's the app for parents to download:

Seidean Sí: On this website there are lots of interactive Gaeilge games the children could play. When you first click the link it may ask you to 'roghnaigh do canúint' this means choose a dialect, choose Connacht. 

SESE and Oral Language
Theme - Spring
Look at oral language sheet and discuss vocabulary. Complete a selection of Spring worksheets from the work booklet. This will continue for 2 weeks so there is no rush on completing the worksheets.
Here are some videos and songs to look at with your child.

P.E and Music
Here are some fun dances, songs, and exercises to keep you moving!

GoNoodle - if you want to sign up for GoNoodle visit the website and you can create a free account. There are lots of different active videos for the children on GoNoodle.

Learn Together
In the folder below there are some resources to use for Learn Together. There are powerpoints and activities based on Easter and there are some lovely mindfulness exercises for the children to listen to.

Sarah and Christine.