Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Weekly Homework 25/3/2019

Hi everyone!

This week we are learning the 'th' sound. This can be a bit tricky for children to grasp as it is two sounds together so we are just focusing on this sound for the week . Here is the 'th' song to sing at home☺

1. "Th" Book. The children will say the word for each picture and decide if it has the "th" sound in it. If it does, it goes into the book! 

Image result for th sound worksheet

2. CVC word readers. The children will be reading a new book each week. These books consist of simple sentences that consist of CVC and tricky words. The children may find these tricky to start, but with a bit of practice at home and in school, the children will become more confident with their reading!

4. Tricky Word. This weeks tricky word is 'there'. Use the word 'there' to make as many sentences as you can! 

Homework will be collected on Friday morning so please ensure the folders are in their bags for collection. 

Any issues or problems with the homework, please let Jessica (belmayneetjessica@gmail.com) or Maria (belmayneetmarial@gmail.com) know and we can adapt and change as necessary.

December Photos - Sarah's Class

Hey all, Have finally gotten around to catching up on old photos! Here are some pictures of the fun activities we got up to in December.  ...