Monday, May 13, 2019

Weekly Homework 13/05/2019

Hi guys!

Our weekly homework has changed quite a lot for the rest of Term 3. We will explain below how to do everything and of course if there are any questions or issues as always please let us know!

1. Tricky words

We will have 2 tricky words per week. Our tricky words this week are "go" and "no".

2. Oral Language Sheet

We are learning about the Vet in Aistear for the next fortnight. Have a look at the new vocabulary and discuss the contents of the sheet with your child.

3. Readers

Readers will continue as normal. Just a reminder to return the books with the signed reading record so we can see which books your child has completed. If a book is not sent back in with a signed reading record we cannot give your child a new reader.

4. Dictation copy

Here's something new for the children to try! You will see a dictation copy in your child's folder. Each week there will be a daily word list (3 words per day) which your child will write in their copy. When completing dictation, you will read one word three times to your child and they should try to write it themselves by recalling their sounds. This may be tricky to start but we will also be practising this in class as well so don't panic!

5. Planet Maths Workbook

Please complete pages 3 and 4 of the workbook.

Thanks a million guys, on the home stretch now so please keep up the brilliant work until Summer!

Maria and Jessica 💛

December Photos - Sarah's Class

Hey all, Have finally gotten around to catching up on old photos! Here are some pictures of the fun activities we got up to in December.  ...