Monday, November 26, 2018

Winter Assembly

Image result for snowman clipart

Hi everyone, 

Over the next couple of days, both classes will be given their parts and lines for the Winter Assembly. It would be great if you could practice these as part of homework, as well as maybe even saying them throughout the day. 

The date and times for the shows are as follows:
Jessica's Class: Wednesday December 19th at 8.45 a.m.
Maria's Class: Wednesday December 19th at 9.15 a.m. 

Here are the costumes for each part: 

Snowmen: White top, black trousers
If your child has a specific 'snow family' character (eg. Snow Mammy, Snow Grandad etc), feel free to add a few extra props to the costume, such as a walking stick, cap, apron etc) 

Children: Jeans and a winter jumper, coat, hat and scarf 

Narrators: Jeans and a winter jumper

(Some children will have the part of a 'narrator' as well as a 'snow child/snow mammy etc' so if this is the case then they are to wear the costume for the snowmen as explained above.)

Sun: Yellow top and yellow trousers

As always, if you have any questions please contact Jessica or Maria, thank you!☺

Weekly Homework 26/11/2018

Hello everyone, 

Hope you all had a lovely weekend! Here's the homework for the week:

1. Sound and Tricky Word Worksheet - Our new sounds for the week are 'o' and 'u'.
Please colour in the pictures and practice the sounds and letter formations with them throughout the week. 

2. Sounds Booklet - Our sounds this week are 'o' (p. 20) and 'u' (p.21). Please complete both pages by Friday. Also, please try to do these two pages only.

Today we learned all about the 'o' sound. 

Image result for o letter

Take a look at our song and picture for the 'o' sound. Try to find items in the picture and around the house that start with 'o'. 

We will be learning the sound 'u' later on in the week. 

Related image

Here's the song for the 'u' sound.

Use your magic eyes to find some 'u' objects in the pictures below! 

3. Tricky words - Our tricky word this week is do. Try and think about all the sentences we say every day using the word 'do'! 

4.  Oral Language Page: The Train Station - The children will be learning all about The Train Station over the next two weeks. Take a look at the page about 'The Train Station' and have a chat about the words and the picture.

Image result for train station pictures

Homework will be collected on Friday morning so please ensure the folders are in their bags for collection on Friday. 

Any issues or problems with the homework, please let Jessica ( or Maria ( know and we can adapt and change as necessary.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Info from homework presentation

Hi everyone!

Below you will find the links to the documents used in last night's homework presentation. Let us know if you have any further questions! 😊

Literacy Overview

Homework Overview

Jolly Phonics Actions

Monday, November 19, 2018

Weekly Homework 19/11/2018

Hello everyone, 

Here's the homework for the week!

1. Sound and Tricky Word Worksheet - Our new sounds for the week are 'd' and 'g'.
Please colour in the pictures and practice the sounds and letter formations with them throughout the week. 

2. Sounds Booklet - Our sounds this week are 'd' (p. 14) and 'g' (p.19). Please complete both pages by Friday. Also, please try to do these two pages only.

Today we learned all about the 'd' sound. 

Image result for lower case d

Take a look at our song and picture for the 'd' sound. Try to find items in the picture and around the house that start with 'd'. 

Image result for jolly phonics d

We will be learning the sound 'g' later on in the week. 

Image result for lower case g

Here's the song for the 'g' sound.

Use your magic eyes to find some 'g' objects in the pictures below! 
Image result for jolly phonics g

3. Tricky words - Our tricky word this week is to. Try and think about all the sentences we say every day using the word 'to'! 

4.  Oral Language Page: The Train Station - The children will be learning all about The Train Station over the next two weeks. Take a look at the page about 'The Train Station' and have a chat about the words and the picture.

Related image

Homework will be collected on Friday morning so please ensure the folders are in their bags for collection on Friday. 

Any issues or problems with the homework, please let Jessica ( or Maria ( know and we can adapt and change as necessary.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Kindness Week Greetings!

This week, the children were focusing on being kind to one another. Here is a video of the children greeting each other in the mornings, one child is given the job of greeting all of the children as they come in in the morning. The children have four options to choose from, these are hug, high five, smile and wave and a boogie!


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Homework Update

Hi everyone!

There is a small error in this week's homework with the blending worksheet as the word "bed" should be replaced with "tin" as we have not yet done the letter d. Apologies for this.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Class Photographs

Just a little reminder that the Junior Infants will have their yearly class photographs taken tomorrow!☺

Weekly Homework 12/11/2018

Blending/Revision Week Homework

The children have now learned 12 sounds – s,a,t,i,p,n, c, k, e, h, r and m.
Image result for jolly phonics actions set 2Image result for jolly phonics actions set 2

This week we will begin our work on blending the sounds together to make CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words using these sounds.

Blending is a really important part of learning phonics and extra practice at home is needed.

Homework this week will be:

1. Tricky word of the week: was. Practice reading this word each night and try to put this word into sentences. 

2. Sorting Sheet (c, k, e, h, r, m): practice the sound, action and song for each. Cut these out and practice matching the correct sound and picture together. 

3. Blending Sheet: Read the word and draw a picture to match. Point to each letter in the word and help the children to make the sound of the letters in succession. Help the children to blend the sounds by saying them faster and allowing them to blend into one another.

(For example: “The first letter makes a ‘sss’ sound. What does this letter sound like? Aaahh. And what does the last letter sound like? Tttt. Let’s put them all together! Sssss-aahhhh-ttttt. Ssssaaaattt. Sat!”)

4. Word Box 1, Words 1 - 5: It would be highly beneficial if you and your child practice reading these 5 words each night, using some of the blending ideas below.

- Can you point /clap /stamp/pound/jump/ slide it out?
- Point it out on blending mat / board c-a-t and slide their finger under the word as they say it.
- Clap out the sounds and say the word
- Stamp it out using their feet and say the word
- Jump it out using green/orange/red hula-hoops to represent the green/orange/red sounds within the words
- Slide it out on their arm, using their shoulder for the first sound, elbow for the second and hand for the last sound. Then blend them together to say the word.
- Pound it out on the table of board using a closed fist and slide under the word as they read it.

You could also ask questions such as:
-     What is the green/ starting sound of the word _________?
-     What is the orange/middle sound of the word _________?
-     What is the red/ ending sound of the word _________?

Also the Jolly Phonics App is great for practicing the sounds at home. 

As always, if you have any questions just ask Jessica or Maria. J

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Belmayne Educate Together Parent Support Group

Belmayne Educate Together Parent Support Group
Date of next meeting: Tuesday November 13th
Venue:Belmayne ETNS

We are a group of ordinary parents meeting up to support each other with our children and their individual needs. Every three weeks we meet in the school for an informal and casual chat over tea or coffee………….and hopefully some fancy biscuits!

More importantly if your child has a diagnosis, is waiting/ in the process of assessment or has suspected difficulties you can speak freely, as what is said in Support Group STAYS in Support Group. All our children have their own stories, experiences and needs and as a group of parents we hope to learn from each other and pool our resources.

We believe in   
  • Respect
  • Confidentiality
  • Non-judgemental attitude to other parenting styles and techniques.
As a parent, you may find the Support Group a place where you can openly express your frustrations, worries and fears for your child/children but also a place where you can celebrate all your child’s achievements big and small. It can be a comfort to know you are not alone.

We operate a buddy system, if you are nervous about walking into that first meeting alone

Monday, November 5, 2018

Weekly Homework 5/11/2018

Hello everyone, 

Here's the homework for this week!

1. Sound and Tricky Word Worksheet - Our new sounds for the week are 'r' and 'm'.
Please colour in the pictures and practice the sounds and letter formations with them throughout the week. 

2. Sounds Booklet - Our sounds this week are 'r' (p. 12) and 'm' (p.13). Please complete both pages by Friday. Also, please try to do these two pages only.

Today we learned all about the 'r' sound. 

Image result for lowercase letter r

Take a look at our song and picture for the 'r' sound. Try to find items in the picture and around the house that start with 'r'. 

Image result for r jolly phonics picture

We will be learning the sound 'm' later on in the week. 

Related image

Here's the song for the 'm' sound.

Use your magic eyes to find some 'm' objects in the pictures below! 
Image result for m jolly phonics

3. Tricky words - Our tricky word this week is be. Try and think about all the sentences we say every day using the word 'be'! 

4.  Oral Language Page: The Police Station - The children will be learning all about The Police Station over the next two weeks. Take a look at the page about 'The Police Station' and have a chat about the words and the pictures.

Image result for police station word mat

Homework will be collected on Friday morning so please ensure the folders are in their bags for collection on Friday. 

Any issues or problems with the homework, please let Jessica ( or Maria ( know and we can adapt and change as necessary.